Shapin’ people into the image, potential and full measure of Christ
To build a healthy, large and effective Church by bringing people into our Fellowship, growing and advancing them through modelling and Teaching, Touching the lives of people around us through Sharing the good news of the Kingdom, in order to Magnify God’s name.
Purpose Statement
To bring people to Jesus and Membership in His family; Develop them to Christ like Maturity; Equip them for their Ministry in the church and life Mission in the world; in order to Magnify God’s name.
Our Values
We value our God
He is a trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are one God. Every one is His own Person and function in the trinity. The Father is our God. Jesus is our God, and the Holy Spirit is our God.
We value Scripture and truth
The Bible is God's Word of life to the world. It is our highest authority. Through the Bible we discern the voice and actions of God in human history. Through the Bible, we learn Who we worship. From the worship of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we learn how to live as citizens of His Kingdom on earth, and what the secrets and mysteries of God are. Through the Word, we receive revelations on God’s ultimate purpose with man and His creation.
We value Pentecost and power
The Holy Spirit has called us to be a people who live and walk in the Spirit. We believe all the gifts of the Spirit are active today. We believe the Holy Spirit empowers the Body of Christ corporately and individually to fulfill the mission of God on the earth, that is, heaven should invade the earth through the Church with attesting signs, wonders and miracles.
We value Christ's Kingdom
We know that Christ rules over all creation. Our call is to manifest the reality of His reign. By serving our communities, embracing diversity and reaching the lost, we embody Christ's Kingdom on earth.
We value our vision
Our vision is the driving force that keeps us together in unity in times of difficulty. Our vision focuses all our strength, energy, labors and resources into the same expectation, and that is to win souls, teach and disciple them and building Christ’s Kingdom. By allowing every member mature into the full measure and stature of Christ in order for each one to be a minister of His grace, mercy and love.
We value our leaders
We honor God’s authority structures as we stand in authority and also under authority. We honor and respect those whom God have chosen and anointed to walk in front of us and leading us. We support them with love, prayers and by serving with them.
We value people
We are moved and compelled by Christ’s love to influence people to meet Him, to know Him and to live purposeful lives for Him. People are our greatest asset.
we value the family and marriage
The family is the building block for any community. We rejoice the marriage of one man to one woman. God is a Family Man, and from the beginning He created the unity of a healthy relationship to be among one man and one woman. Anything else is an abomination to God. Communities where this truth is believed and practiced are healthy and they raise healthy children up. Everywhere this truth is not practiced and believed, confused and messed up children are raised up.
We value loyalty and commitment
As the body of Christ, we rely on everybody working together as a team to build God’s kingdom; we all rely on one another so that we all can live happily and healthily. This creates peace and prosperity for the whole church family on every level, where we work together as a team to get the best out of life. We need to strengthen connections and relationships, honoring and respecting others above ourselves. Making sacrifices for the greater good of Christ’s glory among us.
We value integrity
Being genuine when no one is looking, by living out what we believe. Our yes means yes, and no means no.
We value Holiness
Holiness is beautiful. God chose us and set us apart for His glory. Our lifestyles reflect the character of the God who called us to Himself. We believe that He calls us to be holy in order to reveal His grace, mercy, and love to a broken world. There is therefore no room for sin, wickedness and iniquity in our lives.
We value Justice
As a church, we are called to corporately and individually see justice established. We intercede for those who have no voice. We stand with the poor, the weak, and the oppressed. We will not be silent in the face of injustice. We will be a place of hope.
· We value diversity: God formed each one of us uniquely and wonderfully in our mother’s womb. We embrace one another’s uniqueness, calling and anointing. Focusing on Christ and running with our vision.
We value teamwork
None of us is smart enough to accomplish God’s goals and His purpose with us on our own. We believe God has put us together in order to grow together, work together, rejoice together, cry together, worship together and to accomplish together.
We value All Generations
We celebrate all generations and acknowledge that each is essential in the Body of Christ. We honor those who have gone before us and empower those who are following. The contributions each generation is welcomed and encouraged as we pursue our God given destiny!
We value Generosity
All of our resources, whether material or spiritual, are gifts from a loving God. We do not live fearfully based on our lack. We live gratefully based on God's provision. We commit ourselves to be obedient as tithers, joyful in giving and generous in heart. As He gave, we give.
Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE in one sovereign God, eternally existing and inseparable in three persons: the everlasting Father, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, the giver of life; we believe that God is manifested in the following way: God as the eternal Father and Creator; God as Jesus the Word who became flesh, showing man the perfect example of life on the earth; God the Holy Spirit being God in His body (the church) on earth;
WE BELIEVE that God created the Heavens and the earth in six days, out of nothing by His spoken word, and for His own enjoyment and glory; we believe that God has revealed Himself and His truth in the created order, in the Scriptures, and supremely in Jesus Christ; and that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writing, so that they are fully trustworthy and of supreme and final authority in all they say.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and was true God and true man, existing in one person and without sin; and we believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life there for us; as King of kings, Lord over all, High Priest and Advocate.
WE BELIEVE that the Gospel is Jesus Christ; He is the Word of God who became flesh; being the only begotten of the Father and the first begotten from the dead, He is before all things, everything has their existence through Him; all things were created for and in Him;
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was the exact image of the Father, as He walked the earth He was manifesting His Father’s will, love, grace, forgiveness, hopes, wisdom, understanding, faith, the very Life of God; in His crucifixion He manifested His Father’s judgment on sin and sickness; in His dying he manifested the death of every believer that ever lived and will live on the earth, if they can accept His sacrifice; in His resurrection He manifested victory over sin, sickness and death, over all the powers of satan, man’s enemy.
WE BELIEVE that God created Adam and Eve with a direct act, the historical parents of the entire human race; and that they were created in His own image and likeness, distinct from all other living creatures, and in a state of divine righteousness, without sin; and this was and still is God’s plan and purpose with man (the human race).
WE BELIEVE that our first parents sinned by rebelling against God's revealed will and thereby incurred both physical and spiritual death, and that as a result all human beings are born with a sinful nature that will eventually lead them to sin in thought, word, and deed.
WE BELIEVE in the existence of Satan (who is man’s enemy and the ruler of the kingdom of darkness, destruction, stealing and killing), sin, sickness and evil powers, and that all these have been defeated by Jesus Christ in His death on the cross/tree.
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died on humanity’s behalf and
for all humanity’s sins, according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitution-nary sacrifice, triumphing over all evil and death; and that all who believe in Him and accept His sacrifice are justified and glorified by His shed blood; and forgiven of all their sins through faith by His grace.
WE BELIEVE that salvation and healing is for all humanity, God’s saving and healing grace are free to everyone that will accept the free gift of eternal life that God offers in Christ; we believe that redemption is the forgiveness, wiping away and clearing of sins; this holds the power of deliverance from the enemy’s bondages
WE BELIEVE that all who accept the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby becoming children of God, their names are written in the Book of Life and are citizens of heaven; they were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and are members of Christ’s body, which is His bride (His church); God Himself indwells them; they are the House of God; every believer who is born-again has the testimony of the Spirit of God in them, crying “Abba Father” to God, they are His children and if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of God.
WE BELIEVE that every born again believer is to be baptized by immersion in water, as a confession with their unity in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ; symbolizing their own death to sin in His death and their own resurrection into the newness of His Life (rising out of the water as being resurrected with Christ into the Kingdom of Life and light), into the righteousness of God, in Christ
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit indwells and gives life to believers who have been born-again, He enables them to understand the Scriptures and empowers them for godly living; we believe that every born-again believer can be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is called “the outpouring, filling and/or the Baptism with/in the Holy Spirit”, the evidence of this is the speaking in tongues; we believe this is essential in helping born-again believers to increase in faith, prayers and confidence in service and power to witness; we believe the outpouring or Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the great promises to the Body of Christ, He equips them with God’s power and performs healings, signs and wonders through the hands of willing and believing members of His Body; we believe the Holy Spirit is a person and is also God. He convicts, saves, heals, comforts, delivers, speaks, teaches, give gifts and ministries; we believe God the Father administers His Kingdom through the head of the Body, Jesus Christ in heaven, and the Holy Spirit in His Body on the earth.
WE BELIEVE that all born-again believers all over the world are the one, holy, corporate Church, which is also the body of Christ (it is one body, one church composed of the communities of born-again believers throughout the earth). The purpose of Christ's Body, on the earth, is to magnify and glorify God's name in every community of this world, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through them; we believe the members of the Body of Christ are ambassadors of the Kingdom of heaven, embodying His love, grace and power in worshipping God with confession, prayer, praise and bearing fruit (which is the character and works Jesus Christ manifested); by proclaiming the gospel of God's redemptive love and grace through our Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth by word and deed;
WE BELIEVE in the blessed hope that Jesus Christ will return to this earth, visibly, in power and great glory, to gather His elect and to judge the nations; we believe that God the Father’s plan and purpose with the Church is to, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and leading, manifest the fullness of the Christ in and through His body before the return of Jesus Christ; we believe that Jesus Christ is returning to a pure, holy, powerful, glorious, victorious Church that is showing forth to all creation and the principalities and authorities in the air, God’s many sided wisdom, glory and power through the mystery of Christ;
WE BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust, the everlasting punishment of the lost, and the everlasting blessedness of the saved.